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At Home | Em Casa
Exposición de Flavia Mielnik, Escuela FLORA 2017

For At Home | Em Casa, artists Lucy Joyce (British) and Flavia Mielnik (Brazilian) present a series of works made in conversation across their two home cities: London and São Paolo, curated by Holly Willats.

Joyce and Mielnik’s practices share common ground in their site-specific response to place and people; an interest in the everyday, and in exploring what it is that draws a person to a particular place or space. They both deal directly with landscape (whether urban, or rural) through temporarily adding work within public space, or isolating a specific existing feature in order to frame, disrupt, colour or highlight. Their different projects encourage a community to reconsider idiosyncrasies or common-place characteristics of place in a new way: to see their everyday environment in a new light.

For At Home | Em Casa, the two artists have together explored their two home cities and made work in conversation. Mielnik visited London in March 2018, when the two artists began a discussion about home, and what it means to feel settled within different situations and consequently within one’s art practice; Lucy then visited São Paolo in May. Subsequent new work looks at ways of living across London and São Paulo, examining the artists’ shared understanding of place, despite different cultures, languages and geographies.

All the work shown in the exhibition was made by the two artists this year within this discussion. The opportunity to show the work in São Paulo creates a meeting point for the artists, and gives the opportunity for a broader dialogue with visitors about place and home.

At Home | Em Casa is part of the 22º Cultura Inglesa Festival
Abertura: 26 de maio, sábado, das 19h às 21h
Galerias do Centro Brasileiro Britânico: Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741. Pinheiros São Paulo / SP
Visitação: de 27 de maio a 10 junho de 2018. De segunda a sexta das 10h às 19h; sábados, domingos e feriados das 10h às 16h