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Beca Mondriaan

St. Catharines, Canada. 1982


Obtuvo su BFA en la Gerrit Rietveld Academy en Amsterdam. La obra de Tryhorn nace de investigar la relación que entretejemos con la naturaleza y como el contexto y la historia influyen en ella. A ese proceso se suma un interés particular por desarticular la manera en que entendemos la ecología como concepto jerárquico por el cuál ciertos lugares son más valorados que otros según criterios específicos. Su trabajo le ha hecho merecedor del premio Steenbergen Stipendium For Photography en 2013 y le ha permitido obtener becas como la Mondriaan Fonds en 2015 y el AFK Project funding for Keeper Of The Physic Garden en 2017. Recientemente, el artista ha organizado exposiciones individuales como “Keeper Of The Phsyic Garden” (2017) presentada en la Universidad Libre de Ámsterdam, y ha participado de varias exhibiciones colectivas como «Unfair» Amsterdam, “Photography & Form” (2018) en el Fotomuseum Den Haag en la Haya, Países Bajos, “Prospects & Concepts” (2016) en Art Rotterdam, y “Morningstar Mill” (2016), un cortometraje presentado en Tilburg.


Received his BFA at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Tryhorn’s practice is born out of an investigation into how our context and history influences our relationship with nature. This process has given rise to a particular interest in ecology as a hierarchical concept, that is, one in which certain criteria place greater value on some sites than others. Tryhorn has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards including the Steenbergen Stipendium for Photography in 2013, the Mondriaan Fonds grant in 2015 and the AFK Project funding for Keeper of the Physic Garden in 2017. Recently, the artist has organized individual exhibitions such as “Keeper of the Physic Garden” (2017), exhibited at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, while participating in a number of collective shows such as “Unfair” Amsterdam, “Photography & Form” (2018) at the Fotomuseum den Haag at the Hague, “Prospects & Concepts” (2016) at Art Rotterdam, and “Morningstar Mill” (2016), a short film presented in Tilburg, the Netherlands.