FLORA ars + natura | Calle 77 # 20C-48 Bogotá, Colombia · Zip. 111211 · Tel (+57) (1) 805 3757 ·

Bailarina de danza contemporánea antes de hacer la transición hacia el arte, María José Arjona vive y trabaja en Bogotá. Ha desarrollado importantes cuerpos de trabajo a través de residencias en El Proyecto LARA (Arte itinerante latinoamericano) en Ecuador, Hexágono irregular en Israel, TheatreWorks en Singapur, The Watermill Center en los Estados Unidos y Tact en Colombia. Cuenta con numerosas exposiciones en las que se destacan las performances individuales, y proyectos presentados en Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Alemania; FLORA ars + natura, Bogotá; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lucca, Italia; Location One, Nueva York; NC-Arte, Bogotá; Ballroom Marfa, Texas, y Bass Museum of Art, Miami.


Maria José Arjona was a contemporary ballet dancer before beginning her transition to art and performance. Currently living and working in Bogotá, José Arjona has developed a number of important bodies of work through her residencies at the LARA project in Ecuador, Hexágono irregular in Israel, TheatreWorks in Singapore, The Watermill Center in the United States, and Tact in Colombia. She has exhibited her performances numerous times, some of the most notable of which include those presented at Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany, FLORA ars+natura, Bogotá. the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lucca, Italy, Location One, New York, NC-Arte, Bogotá, Ballroom Marfa, Texas, and the Bass Museum of Art in Miami.